Dr. Arthur Takeall Jr. is the Founder and Executive Director of The Right One Academy, a Leadership Development coaching and Consulting company. He was also the former Director of Professionalism for the Charleston Trident Association of Realtors in Charleston, South Carolina.
Arthur was born and raised in the great capitol city of Annapolis, Maryland. As a child, he was overly eager to please and serve others but also wanted to be acknowledged for what he knew and what he could do without being held back by his age or background. He knew he had not scratched the surface of his own potential and had the desire to prove to himself things could be better for himself and those around him. He set out on a life journey to find himself through experiences and then share with others how to reach their next level. This would mean constant learning and self-development which unknowingly emerged his life purpose and passion; training and development of people.
By diving head first into his passion, Arthur now looks back and realizes that he had collected extensive educational, corporate and entrepreneurial experiences. Arthur has worked as a consultant for Home Builders and Community Developers. He has coached both mid-size companies and entrepreneurs with marketing, branding, and organizational growth through self-discovery of their purpose, passion and leadership styles. He holds a Life Insurance license and is a licensed Real Estate Broker in several states. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Allen University, a Masters of Human Resources with a concentration in Leadership Management from Strayer University and holds a Doctorate of Ministry in Spiritual Leadership from Ambassador Bible College and Seminary. He is a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity.
More than any of his accomplishments, Arthur most values being a man of faith, a son, a friend and having the time to embrace them all. Each day he aspires to live his company motto “Sharing LOVE, Inspiring HOPE and Holding FAITH.”