Real Estate Business Planning
The 411 of Real Estate Business Planning
GREC Course Code 64357| 3 Hours CE Credit
Tactical Business Planning for The Real Estate Professional!
A Harvard study of 100 students has shown that the 3% who had written goals earned on average ten times as much as the other 97% of the class combined! Although, a business plan is one of the oldest and well-documented activities, most real estate agents do not have one.
This course will explain the value of a business plan, help you determine your production goals, analyze your current sources of business as well as identifying new sources of business and walk you through the steps of creating a clear strategy for your sources of business.
GREC Course Code 64357| 3 Hours CE Credit
Tactical Business Planning for The Real Estate Professional!
A Harvard study of 100 students has shown that the 3% who had written goals earned on average ten times as much as the other 97% of the class combined! Although, a business plan is one of the oldest and well-documented activities, most real estate agents do not have one.
This course will explain the value of a business plan, help you determine your production goals, analyze your current sources of business as well as identifying new sources of business and walk you through the steps of creating a clear strategy for your sources of business.